共為你找到:47筆taichung 相關企業資訊
金立洋企業有限公司成立於1985年,公司主要為設計及生產製造「電子音樂塑膠玩具」,近年來更將產品研發方向擴展至「消費性電子產品」。在台灣,我們除了有貿易接單的『業務部門』,負責將產品行銷及銷售至世界各地外,亦有陣容堅強的『研發設計部門』,專門負責從事新品及高科技產品之研發設計。 為了在市場上更具競爭力,公司將勞力密集之『生產製造部門』設立於中國大陸廣東省深圳市,從研發設計到生產出貨都是由公司一貫作業完成,對於品質及交貨都能完全符合客戶及市場要求。 我們的產品遍及世界各地並廣受好評,每位兒童在與D.J.TOYS互動的同時,除了得到樂趣之外,更能從中得到啟發性之教育功能,是我們一貫理念與宗旨。 本公司所有產品皆符合CE認證、RoHs標準,產品通過EN71 / EMC / EN62115 或EN50088測試,且自2004年起大陸深圳工廠成為第14個ICTI認證的工廠。 一、我們的經營理念----誠信為首、務實優先;創新突破 放眼未來。 二、我們的核心價值觀----創造價值、回饋社會。 三、我們的企業經營信條----信譽為本、質量為先;共同成長、創造未來。 四、我們的經營成功要素---找對目標、用對方法、下定決心、堅持到底;肯定自己、欣賞別人、同心協力、追求卓越。 五、我們的企業使命-----創新產品、領導潮流、營造兒童快樂天堂。 六、我們的企業精神----化不可能為可能;Impossible→I’m possible。 七、我們的服務理念----提供全方位的完善服務(設計、生產、銷售、信息反饋),讓顧客滿意。 八、我們的企業口號----努力、努力、再努力;用心、用心、再用心。 九、幹部必備的條件----一能二識三心;工作技能;專業知識、法規知識;責任心、提攜心、進取心。 十、我們的工作精神----沒有最好、只有更好。 DJ TOYS Philosophy Our aim is to make toys which are developmentally appropriate to help child make connections in the developing brain. We design toys to help parents and children enjoy playtimes together as one western saying A family that plays together stays together. Milestone 1983 Established in Taiwan 1985 D.J. Logo registered 1993 China factory set up in Shenzhen 2000 Product E70 won Toy Design Award 2000 Products distributed to world-known retailers TRU, Walmart, KB Toys, Woolworth … etc. 2001 Work with TOHO on OEM project in Japanese market 2001 Work with Simba, one of the biggest importers in European market 2004 Product EA1 won Toy Design Award 2004 Work with Bontempi, one of the biggest importers in European market, on license project 2004 Headquarter moved to Taichung 2004 The 14th member awarded with ICTI certificate 2006 Product PR63 won another Toy Design Award 2007 Managing Director, Sherry Lo, appointed as the Supervisor at Taiwan Toy Manufacturers’ Association Moved to new factory in Shenzhen,China 得獎記錄 2000/2002/2005/2006/2007年 榮獲玩具設計優良獎 公司網址 http://www.djtoys.com.tw
ADDRESS 地址 : 台中縣烏日鄉環中路六段70號 No.70, Sec. 6, Huanzhong Rd., Wuri Township, Taichung County 414, Taiwan(R.O.C.) PHONE電話 04-2337-2222 +886-4-2337-2222 FAX傳真 04-2337-5881 +886-4-2337-5881 E-MAIL信箱 [email protected] SALESMAN業務員 LIN RUI HONG 林睿紘 0972-872966 LIN BING HONG 林秉泓 0931-530945 SALES ASSISTANT 業務助理 HSIAO HUI JU 蕭惠如 04-23372222 ENGINEERING工程部 XU CHUN QING 徐錞慶 0980-508286 ENGINEERING ASSISTANT工程師助理 LIU CHUING FANG 劉瓊方 04-23372222 OPEN HOUR 營業時間 08:30-17:30 (MON-SAT)
fine vs finestore韓國服飾店.... 一店:fine 專賣韓國女裝 二店:finestore 專賣韓國男裝女裝 應徵條件:需有服飾經驗者 責任制 facebook: [email protected] 地點 407 Taichung, Taiwan台中市西屯區逢甲路19號19號A2vsA51<逢甲碧根廣場後門左邊第一間vs右邊第二間>
創立 於民國四年十二月十七日創立「有限責任台中信用組合」 改組 於民國三十五年六月二十日改組為「有限責任台中市第三信用合作社」 變更登記 於民國五十二年一月二十九日變更登記為「保證責任台中市第三信用合作社」 改制 於民國八十八年一月一日改制為「三信商業銀行」 ‧關於 COTA Bank   本行由台中市第三信用合作社改制,原名台中信用組合(The Cooperation of Taichung) ,茲取Cooperation (信用組合)前兩字 C O 與 Taichung (台中)前兩字TA,組成COTA為本行英文名稱,全銜COTA Commercial Bank,簡稱 COTA Bank。
創立 於民國四年十二月十七日創立「有限責任台中信用組合」 改組 於民國三十五年六月二十日改組為「有限責任台中市第三信用合作社」 變更登記 於民國五十二年一月二十九日變更登記為「保證責任台中市第三信用合作社」 改制 於民國八十八年一月一日改製為「三信商業銀行」 ‧關於 COTA Bank   本行由台中市第三信用合作社改制,原名台中信用組合(The Cooperation of Taichung) ,茲取Cooperation (信用組合)前兩字 C O 與 Taichung (台中)前兩字TA,組成COTA為本行英文名稱,全銜COTA Commercial Bank,簡稱 COTA Bank。
How can we make Combination Wrenches, Double Open-End Wrenches and Double Ring Offset Wrenches interesting? We have thought about it fa long time and found that it is not an easy thing to do. Sure, we could tell you that Shih Yeong Industry Corp was founded in 1978 in Taichung, Taiwan and that we specialize in Wrenches of all kinds, including specially tailored designs four customers. But how special is that? We could talk about the quality of our products and how satisfied our worldwide client base is with them, but you would probably say that every supplier says that. We have even thought about mentioning that we have built our own brand, OULEE, since 1998, into a reputable one which promises to deliver above your expectations of quality and design. However, we didn’t want to bore you with that either. Even the fact that we received ISO 9001 approval in 2000 and that all our wrenches conform to ANSI, DIN and JIS standards didn’t really sound exciting enough. Of course, we did wonder whether we should do like everybody else and talk about our company’s focus on innovation by combining the skills of our designers with those of craftsmen, but you wouldn’t really believe us, would you? In fact, we have given up on trying to make wrenches sound exciting and have decided that if anyone was going to convince you about our wrenches, it would be the wrench itself. So, no more words, give our product a try and we’ll do the talking later. 世瀅工業股份有限公司 創立於民國 67 年,主要從事手工具;擁有為數不少的客戶群。 本公司擁有優秀的經營團隊,秉持著『品質信譽』的經營理念,追求企業永續經營及成長;除整體營運穩定外,獲利狀況也逐年提昇,是國內績優廠商之一。
亞東工業氣體股份有限公司 (Air Liquide Far Eastern) 係由全球第一大工業氣體公司- 法國 AIR LIQUIDE 集團與遠東新世紀集團 (Far Eastern)於1987年合資設立於台灣。Air Liquide 目前在全球75個國家,設有135個分公司,員工人數高達43,000人。同時名列美國財星雜誌 (Fortune Magazine) 人才最嚮往的企業雇主之一。 亞東公司名列天下雜誌國內前400大企業排名,於台灣主要營業活動為供應電子業、一般工業和醫療產業客戶所需之高純度氣體, 化學品及相關系統設計等全方位的解決方案。 目前在台員工人數約350人, 服務據點遍及台北、新竹、竹北、台中、高雄以及各大科學園區。台灣公司網址: www.tw.airliquide.com, 全球網址: www.airliquide.com Air Liquide is the World Leader in Industrial and Medical gases. We have 43,000 employees with global presence in more than 75 countries and 135 subsidiaries. Air Liquide Far Eastern is a joint venture of Air Liquide and Far Eastern Group in Taiwan. There are 350 employees islandwide with office location in Taipei, Hsinchu, Chupei, Taichung and Kaoshiung to provide time-to-market service to all customers at different geographical areas. In addition, we have operated more than 20 Air Seperation Units and High Purity Nitrogen production facilities in all major Science-based Industrial Parks. We provide State-of-art high purity gases, services, equipments and solutions to a wide variety of industries. Our diversified customer profiles can be categorized as: 1. Electronics: Foundry, DRAM, TFT-LCD, etc. 2. Industrial Customers: Glass Manufacturing, Fine Chemical, Metal fabrication, Food preservation, Welding, Laboratories and Transportation, etc. 3. Large Industries: Petrochemical, Co-generation, Steel makers and Oil-refinery, etc. 4. Healthcare: large-scale Hospitals and homecare, etc. For detailed information about our business offering, please visit: www.airliquide.com
AsianNet 亞洲網路,成立於1995年,提供企業網路應用系統及全球化整合行銷服務為定位。資本額新台幣 5,000萬元,總部位於新竹科學園區旁,並在台灣設立多處服務中心,同時在中國上海成立客服中心,“AsianNet 亞洲網路”,十四年來的用心耕耘,已經是揚名國際的著名品牌,中明科技公司為亞洲網路中區代表經銷商,主要負責大台中地區之業務。 亞洲網路 www.etradeasia.com 提供企業跨國性的 e-Business服務,包括 e-Trading, e-Marketing, e-Enterprise。其享譽業界的產品及服務包括: TradeAsia 亞洲貿易網、Web Builder 網站大師、iGPS 全球化整合行銷、EMP 自動化行銷系統、MAPA 性格及職涯發展系統…….等。在許多國內外重要商展會場、貿易促進活動中,都可以看到AsianNet 亞洲網路、Trade Asia亞洲貿易網的旗幟飄揚,亞洲網路人員穿梭其間。 多年來,我們所累積的專業知識及人才發展制度,讓年青人可以很快的成為國際化棟樑之才。因此,我們可以很自信的說,這裡是培養及訓練專業的地方。我們不限定科系背景,您不用擔心專業能力不足,只要您自我評估對國際行銷有熱情、有自信、適合與人相處、獨立性強、肯學習,您就是我們要找的千里馬。 當您看到我們,就是緣分的開始,歡迎加入亞洲網路大家庭,在這個充滿知識與溫馨的環境中,任何背景的新進人員都能夠很快的適應並成為專才。不要猶豫請立即連絡,也許此刻的一小步正是您人生璀璨前途的一大步!!
Panther TH Industry Co., Ltd. Established in 1994, located in Taichung city where is hardware center of Taiwan. We are exporter specialized in all kinds of fasteners and related hardware products such as material, toolings and machinery. We also joined venture with manufacturers mainly producing stamping parts, kep nuts, conical washer lock nuts and screws. Our main key to success: 1. Long term employees with market and products knowledge enable us to form a close and productive partnership with our customers. 2. More than 200 vendors in Taiwan, Vietnam, India and China offer comprehensive and quality products. 3. Qualified manufacturers and strict in-house quality control guaranteed customers satisfaction. 4. Most competitive price. Our strong production capability and groups offer our customers with competitive price. 5. New products development. By technical research, we are working to produce innovative products and convincing quality. Contact us, our performance will keep you staying ahead in this field.
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