共為你找到:200筆snap-on扭力板手 相關企業資訊
TEKQ International has been a supplier and manufacture of memory and enhancement products to the computer distributors since 1998. Our policy is to provide the best possible service to both meet, and exceed, our customers requirements and expectations. Our product range form CompactFlash cards, SmartMedia cards, Multimedia cards, Secure Digital cards, DX picture Cards and comprehensive line of standard memory modules, and customized memory solutions for desktop and notebook computers, workstations, and servers.TEKQ International strives for Win-Win operations by forming strategic alliances with and long-term commitments to suppliers and customers. We are committed to providing customers the most dependable and compatible products, on-time deliveries, and competitive pricing to ensure complete satisfaction. This is how TEKQ International became Taiwan leading module supplier.
One of Mae Tay key competitive advantages over its competitors is its ability to design and fabricate quickly the dies and molds required for its manufacturing operations. Mae Tay has a team of over 500 experienced and dedicated engineers and technicians in mainland China and Taiwan focusing purely on mold and die fabrication and design. This strength in precision mold making and tooling enables Mae Tay to reduce the processing time for die and mold production substantially as compared with its competitors. Mae Tay is one of the world’s foremost manufacturers of plastic, rubber and tooling for industrial manufacturers and consumer markets. In addition, Mae Tay distributes a variety of well-known PDA keyboard and touch panel items. Our presence extends throughout the world. Major markets include the Americas, Europe, and the Far East. The number and scope of our operations alone does not make Mae Tay a world-class company. That distinction comes from our people being dedicated to providing our customers with the quality products and services.
成立時間:西元1988年 經營理念:連大立菸酒股份有限公司 創立於民國 77 年,主要從事菸/酒經銷;擁有為數不少的客戶群。 本公司擁有優秀的經營團隊,秉持著『共好』的經營理念,追求企業永續經營及成長;除整體營運穩定外,獲利狀況也逐年提昇,是國內績優廠商之一。 我們重視每一位員工,除了有良好工作環境、也提供學習及成長的空間,歡迎優秀的朋友一起加入 連大立菸酒股份有限公司 的工作行列。 連大立的經營軌跡: 1988/07/02- 『大立菸酒商店』成立- 主要商品包括: 公賣局菸酒類商品,Hennessy, Johnnie Walker 1989- 啟用電腦銷售系統(單機業) 1991- 菸酒開放自由進口,開始多元化銷售-主要經銷以下代理商:Jadine Riche Monde, Seagram, Remy Martin, Calbecks 1992-使用IBM RS6000建立電腦連線系統 1995/02/06- 更名為『連大立菸酒股份有限公司 1995- 香港浤豐授權北區(新竹以北)總經銷(含花東地區) 1998- 在 on-premise 通路有大幅成長 font color=red★ 飲酒、吸煙過量,有害健康。未滿18歲,請勿飲酒、吸煙 /font
金立洋企業有限公司成立於1985年,公司主要為設計及生產製造「電子音樂塑膠玩具」,近年來更將產品研發方向擴展至「消費性電子產品」。在台灣,我們除了有貿易接單的『業務部門』,負責將產品行銷及銷售至世界各地外,亦有陣容堅強的『研發設計部門』,專門負責從事新品及高科技產品之研發設計。 為了在市場上更具競爭力,公司將勞力密集之『生產製造部門』設立於中國大陸廣東省深圳市,從研發設計到生產出貨都是由公司一貫作業完成,對於品質及交貨都能完全符合客戶及市場要求。 我們的產品遍及世界各地並廣受好評,每位兒童在與D.J.TOYS互動的同時,除了得到樂趣之外,更能從中得到啟發性之教育功能,是我們一貫理念與宗旨。 本公司所有產品皆符合CE認證、RoHs標準,產品通過EN71 / EMC / EN62115 或EN50088測試,且自2004年起大陸深圳工廠成為第14個ICTI認證的工廠。 一、我們的經營理念----誠信為首、務實優先;創新突破 放眼未來。 二、我們的核心價值觀----創造價值、回饋社會。 三、我們的企業經營信條----信譽為本、質量為先;共同成長、創造未來。 四、我們的經營成功要素---找對目標、用對方法、下定決心、堅持到底;肯定自己、欣賞別人、同心協力、追求卓越。 五、我們的企業使命-----創新產品、領導潮流、營造兒童快樂天堂。 六、我們的企業精神----化不可能為可能;Impossible→I’m possible。 七、我們的服務理念----提供全方位的完善服務(設計、生產、銷售、信息反饋),讓顧客滿意。 八、我們的企業口號----努力、努力、再努力;用心、用心、再用心。 九、幹部必備的條件----一能二識三心;工作技能;專業知識、法規知識;責任心、提攜心、進取心。 十、我們的工作精神----沒有最好、只有更好。 DJ TOYS Philosophy Our aim is to make toys which are developmentally appropriate to help child make connections in the developing brain. We design toys to help parents and children enjoy playtimes together as one western saying A family that plays together stays together. Milestone 1983 Established in Taiwan 1985 D.J. Logo registered 1993 China factory set up in Shenzhen 2000 Product E70 won Toy Design Award 2000 Products distributed to world-known retailers TRU, Walmart, KB Toys, Woolworth … etc. 2001 Work with TOHO on OEM project in Japanese market 2001 Work with Simba, one of the biggest importers in European market 2004 Product EA1 won Toy Design Award 2004 Work with Bontempi, one of the biggest importers in European market, on license project 2004 Headquarter moved to Taichung 2004 The 14th member awarded with ICTI certificate 2006 Product PR63 won another Toy Design Award 2007 Managing Director, Sherry Lo, appointed as the Supervisor at Taiwan Toy Manufacturers’ Association Moved to new factory in Shenzhen,China 得獎記錄 2000/2002/2005/2006/2007年 榮獲玩具設計優良獎 公司網址 http://www.djtoys.com.tw
Novotel Taipei Taoyuan International Airport located on No. 1-1, Terminal South Road, Dayuan Township, Taoyuan County, Taiwan. We are the first European Brand hotel in Taiwan, and we will be the first international hotel to open at the Taoyuan International Airport. Owned by China Airlines, the hotel will be the flagship airport hotel within Asia for Accor. 由中華航空公司規劃的台北諾富特桃園國際機場飯店Novotel Taipei Taoyuan International Airport,於2009年11月正式隆重開幕。 中華航空公司為參與「國際機場航空事業營運中心」計畫,成立華航園區股份有限公司,並與民航局於2006年9月完成簽約,興建位於桃園縣大園鄉的「台北諾富特桃園國際機場飯店」。 「台北諾富特桃園國際機場飯店」--- 委由全球知名的法國雅高國際酒店(Accor)旗下Novotel品牌負責經營管理,而這一酒店集團在全球已經擁有4000家知名酒店;目前20個國家、65家機場旅館中,就有20家是Novotel的品牌。飯店總房間數為361間, 提供健身中心/Spa/理髮院/中/西/宴餐廳服務。 交通資訊: 桃園機場第一航站:可於入境大廳西側門大客車上車處之D,E號站牌,搭乘飯店之接駁巴士。(每30分鐘一班) 桃園機場第二航站:可於入境大廳東側門大客車上車處之71,72號站牌旁,搭乘飯店之接駁巴士前往飯店。(每30分鐘一班) 開車: 南下:行駛國道1號中山高速公路,過南崁交流道後,於機場系統交流道接入國道2號機場支線,見到國道2號終點指示牌後靠左繼續行駛。飯店位於左側華航園區,見到中華航空公司招牌後準備左轉即可抵達。 北上:行駛國道1號中山高速公路,過中壢服務區後,於機場系統交流道接入國道2號機場支線,見到國道2號終點指示牌後靠左繼續行駛。飯店位於左側華航園區,見到中華航空公司招牌後準備左轉即可抵達。 台灣高鐵: 搭乘台灣高鐵至桃園青埔站下車,搭乘高鐵至桃園機場之接駁車(統聯705)至本飯店下車(每趟NT$30元),請務必上車時告知司機先生於本飯店停靠。 公車: 台北地區—可搭台北至桃園機場客運,如國光號、中興號、大有巴士、統聯客運及飛狗巴士等抵達桃園機場第二航站下車,於航站內再轉搭乘飯店之機場接駁巴士前往飯店。 桃園地區—可搭桃園至桃園機場客運(71號);中壢地區可搭乘桃園機場至中壢客運(72號)抵達桃園機場第二航站,於航站內再轉搭乘飯店之機場接駁巴士前往飯店。 桃園地區—可於桃園火車站搭台灣高鐵接駁車至桃園青埔站下車,搭乘 (統聯705) 至本飯店下車(每趟NT$30元),請務必上車時告知司機先生於本飯店停靠。 台中地區—可於台中車站搭乘國光號、飛狗巴士(52號)至桃園機場;統聯客運分別於台中市區(11號)及台中車站均可搭乘至桃園機場;飛狗巴士另有於台中干城至桃園機場間之路線可搭乘;抵達桃園機場第二航站後,於航站內再轉搭乘飯店之機場接駁巴士前往飯店。 彰化員林地區—可搭乘和欣客運彰化至桃園機場線至桃園機場,抵達桃園機場第二航站後,於航站內再轉搭乘飯店之機場接駁巴士前往飯店。
A leading company in EMS system for supplying non-automotive OEM. Synerject LLC is a Joint Venture of Continental and the Orbital Corporation. It was originally chartered to provide the Original Equipment Manufacturers in the Marine, Motorcycle and Recreation industries with gasoline engine management systems and components integrating the products and technologies designed and produced by its parent companies. It has since expanded to other, non automotive, small gasoline engine applications such as those of the Lawn and Garden and Industrial markets. Synerject’s main expertise is in gasoline fuel injection system integration for applications in its target markets. Its unique portfolio covers both 2 stroke and 4 stroke engine designs. Synerject is the only supplier in the industry to have both capabilities. Its affiliation to Orbital gives Synerject access to the leading edge Air Assisted Direct Injection technology developed by that company. Application Centers in Asia, Europe and the United States provide on-site support of customer development and production programs. Synerject supplies gasoline engine systems and components to the non automotive Original Equipment Manufacturers. The scope of its product offerings ranges from vehicle fuel delivery systems to complete air/fuel management modules. Synerject is not structured for direct sales of components to individual customers or after market retailers.
To integrate resources, when the industry leader Financial Holding's of the two subsidiary, and , June 2009, formally merged and renamed , the total premium and the initial annual premium income Market share after the merger, both was ranked second in the market. control of the country the second large listed financial holding company with strait three to the most complete of the fund financial territory, after the merger of in support of FHC resources full force, jointly toward "Asia, a flow of financial institutions' vision forward. Emphasis on innovative thinking to provide customers a full range of insurance wealth management services to customer demand-oriented, business ideas,to provide customers a full range of financial wealth management services. And actively cultivate financial wealth management talent, the whole force towards a new era of large-scale, international, professional.
323 Technology Inc. (ezTable易訂網 www.eztable.com.tw) was founded in 2008 with the mission of creating first online restaurant reservation platform for both restaurateurs and consumers in Taiwan. Currently more than 400 restaurants and hotels have joined our platform, creating more than 20,000 reservations per month. Were moving fast and have a team of 9 super passionate, smart people who pride themselves on exceptional quality work. Our office environment is creative, non-traditional, collaborative and a lot of fun, so if youre a Software Engineer with a passion for delivering elegant solutions and youre looking for an early stage company with scope to grow with a stack of interesting challenges, read on.
1994 Amotech was founded in Korea 1995 Established “Kimpo” factory in Korea 1996 Selected as a “Bright future company” by Ministry of IC department 1998 Established “Incheon” factory in Korea 2000 Acquired ISO9000 2002 “Korea Technology Best Fast 50” by National Credit Evaluation 2003 Selected as a “National Research Laboratory” by Ministry of Science 2003 Established Sandong Amotech China factory 2003 IPO on KOSDAQ 2004 Acquired TS16949 Certification 2005 Technology 500 Asia Pacific Award by Deloitte, Acquired ISO14001 2006 Registered Independent Sales office in Shanghai, China California USA 2007 Established Qingdao Factory in China 2008 Established Chunan Pyungtaek Factory in Korea
Emphasis on Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea, Singapore and Malaysia, Asia Talents Consultants, a premier provider of executive search solutions, was founded to build a powerful linkage with its clients and devise solutions to make good ‘People’ decisions. Our mission is strengthened to enhance corporate performance with our core values that we insist. Asia Talents believe in one’s integrity, loyalty and gratitude and give prominence to our clients.
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