共為你找到:200筆snap-on扭力板手 相關企業資訊
Since the early 80’s, WE-Tech had been the premiere developer manufacturer of steel molds for many major airsoft companies for more than 20 years. With the ever growing airsoft market comes our reputation as being one of the foremost maker of steel molds, thus laying the foundation for our own excellent line of airsoft products today. In 2003, we launched our first line of gas blowback pistols and have never look back since. From being a professional steel mold manufacturer over 30 years ago to creating our own line of full-metal airsoft pistols and rifles, the journey has been tough, but satisfying. The combination of experience, skills and the relentless pursuit of excellence is what define us in the airsoft industry today Looking into the future... With the launch of our Advanced Weaponry Simulator System (A.W.S.S.) in 2008, we’ve set our sight on re-defining the use of realistic, gas blowbackplatforms as a viable training options for the professionals, namely the military and law enforcement personnels. Our worldwide-patented AWSS platform has been tested evaluated by many of the world’s military law enforcement units. Input by these professional units has seen the AWSS being further developed into a consistent, reliable, yet ’powerfully’ realistic airsoft rifle system for the pros or the casual weekend airsofters alike. Our continue commitment to stay at the forefront of technology, our dedication to provide the BEST cost/performance ratio products, as well as our industry-defining customer service/interaction policy will ensure our success in the future
本公司在台成立於2004年, 系美商 Polymics 在台設立之分公司. 本公司擁有獨一無二的專業技術, 能夠滿足客戶以高性能材料合成到成品製作的全部需求. 專注於高性能高分子材料的研發和應用, 包括用於可植入性醫學機械方面的新材料開發.亦供應於半導體及光電業製程設備的零件,化學設備的零件,馬達裡面的零件,油封接頭的零件,油井設備的零件等等。行銷網通及世界各地及中國. Polymics is an independent manufacturer of polymer compounds, offering a unique combination of expertise in product development, application engineering and innovative polymer processing. With over 20 years experience in development and production of polymer products, Polymics is differentiated by an exclusive focus on high performance compounds and vertical production capabilities in polymer products, allowing us to service our customers’ needs from material development through finished part production.
本公司成立於1975年, 專門從事各類運動用品製造及銷售, 主要客戶在日本及歐美等地區. 相關產品及資訊請於公司網站查詢. Finosports is proud to be the leading manufacturer of sports equipment in Taiwan since 1975. Our focus is on providing superior service as an OEM and ODM supplier. We specialize in high quality tennis, squash, badminton and paddle rackets, as well as golf clubs, exercise equipment and other sports gear. We have been exporting these items to Europe, Asia-Pacific, Americas, Australia, and Africa for many years, and products have become an established favorite in many countries throughout these regions. With our excellent service and innovative engineering we have always provided satisfied customers with the latest range of quality products.
成龍商務有限公司創立於1983年. 初期針對台北縣市小型貨品運送以機車為主,隨後採用貨車運送大型物件. 並於1990年成為業界最具規模的快遞公司. 其後更因送貨品質,速度成為各行業御用快遞, 至此發展至今將至20年, 享有20年的好商譽, 為大台北快遞業界的元老. 成龍快遞有別於新式分區快遞,採用沿路收送方式,配合每位外務人員位置已達到 [ 收/送 ] 工作效率/ 取送時間最迅速化. 藉此達到客戶對於快遞界的需求, 因此20年間商家流傳著一句話, “要快, 就要叫成龍” . 於2011年, 本公司將會開始規劃進行e 化以及 M 化作業以作公司擴展用途, 其中包括衛星定位系統, PDA系統 以及CTI 系統等等. 未來本公司將陸續將公司營運範圍擴大至全省, 以真正達成本公司一條龍的精神. 至此, 我們期盼有更多敢於計畫, 提供意見, 積極工作的夥伴加入成龍商務. Chenglon Express was founded in 1983 which first focused on Taipei motorcycle deliveries and then later include the truck delivery service. In 1990, Chenglon became the largest and most famous delivery company. Furthermore, due to the high standards of service, our company has become the top priority choice for industries in Taipei for 20 years and even today. Unlike other companies, Chenglon uses a one-route method which requires only one worker to pick up the item and delivered to the desired address without transferring the item to another co-worker which increases efficiency ,shortens the time of delivery and achieves a good satisfactory from customers. Therefore, Chenglon has a traditional slogan that translates,” Want Fast, Call Chenglon.” In 2011, our company plans to start using advanced technologies which includes GPS locating service, PDA system, CTI system, etc. In the future, we hope to expand our company further to all of the cities in Taiwan. To achieve the “dragon spirit”, better service, better efficiency, better satisfaction
Located in the heart of the commercial district of Fuxing North Rd and Minsheng East Rd, and only a one-minute walk from the Sherwood Hotel, this pub has managed to find that elusive quality that turns a bar into a real pub. My Other Place serves up great Asian and Western food such as fish chips, pasta and our outstanding American style BBQ ribs. The neighbourhood feel of this pub, with its friendly staff and big screen TV, creates a comfortable and fun atmosphere for both locals and expatriates. So come in and try a trendy cocktail or relax over a scotch on the rocks and chat with friends.
《贏家競技網 Winner Takes All!Battle On Web》 是由戲活數位科技與上海「Join & Joy Interactive」聯手打造新型態競技平台,簡稱WTA平台,並且秉持著公平、公正、公開的原則下共同研發產品。WTA平台無需下載任何程式,就能讓喜愛上網競技的玩家體驗即開即玩的便利性。 戲活數位科技執行長Kevin道出心中的想法:「三年前離開遊戲產業尋求玩家玩遊戲的核心需求,與心中的某些答案驗證;三年之後重新回到遊戲產業,也帶著尋找到的「答案」準備實現與現今遊戲玩家對遊戲的期望」。「戲活數位科技」更是集合了遊戲產業近三十年累積職戰經驗的菁英核心團隊。
才德股份有限公司是一家致力於唇部彩妝的專業研發團隊。主要生產半成品及成品。 為了達到讓消費者都滿意的目標,本公司以研發為主力,接受成品客制化訂單,專門為通路商及自創品牌業者而設計產品。也接受OEM半成品訂單,生產最優質的唇部彩裝及唇部保養系列產品。 與全球百大名校之精細化工、材料工程等相關科系皆有項目合作關係,主要團隊成員皆有優良的技術背景及相當多年的實務經驗,其中不乏博士、碩士及資深專業彩妝研發人員。 實驗室設備引進國內外先進儀器,以提升產品品質。 研發生產而成的產品,每項皆需經過虐待測試合格。所引進的原物料,皆來自歐美、日本等先進國家的化妝品級原料,且皆具備M.S.D.S.( Material Safety Data Sheet物質安全資料表)及COA(Counsil on Accreditaion)檢測書。對於原物料來源皆有清楚的管控,確保產品品質。 2010年在中國(廈門),成立珊憶化妝品公司,得以創造更多 的產能, 針對產品開發製備系統建立,更獲得進一步 的成就。
拓宇成立於1998年,多年來一直專注在「金融、電子商務」的系統整合業務,協助大中華地區的金融客戶群,建置完善的銀行核心系統與系統整合平台,股東陣容包括資策會、普訊創投、全球策略、榮電集團、東元集團等。    拓宇科技結合國內數千人的專業顧問群,以豐富的軟、硬體技術資源及國際級軟體品質水準,期望蛻變為優質的「資訊系統解決方案服務商」。累積多年的專業資訊技術服務經驗與系統整合實力,為金融、政府、醫療、物流 、交通、製造等各行業客戶,提供最專業的資訊解決方案,更致力成為客戶資訊服務的最佳夥伴。    1981年進駐第一銀行為台灣完成第一個「銀行連線交易處理」(On Line Transaction Processing) 計畫; 1994年進入中國大陸市場,開拓金融資訊業務,業務遍及郵政儲匯局40餘個省或 市、中國銀行、農業銀行及各大城市商業銀行等1998年「金融 事業群」民營化完成,「拓宇科技國際股份有限公司」正式成立; 1999年成為榮利科技股份有限公司的最大股東,是為台灣Core Banking 最佳 專業服務之供應商。 2001年拓宇與榮電電腦事業中心系統整合部正式合併,拓宇科技延伸服務範圍,從金融、電子商務的系統整合擴展到資料儲 存、系統管理/安全、應用軟體開發、專案人力支援及軟/硬體產品自製或代理等科技服務顧問諮詢與技術支援服務。    2006年擴編 e- Government 的服務團隊,提供全國性資訊系統開發、維護服務,更擴展拓宇公司延伸資訊服務至政府機構的能量。
LCN is a professional electronic components supplier especially dedicate on providing connector/Antenna solution for customer which covering computer ; communication and consumer electronics industries . except providing customer alternative choice for their on-going programs, we also provide customized connector/Antenna solutions to meet customer special/unique requirements . LCN’s factory is a ISO 9001:2000 certified manufacturer of electronic components . it was found in 1993, Headquarter located in Taipei county ;Taiwan , with a commitment to quality products and prompt services for our customers , we set up LCN as authorized trading company with join venture relationship . today ,Through LCN sales channel , we are not only provide prefect service to our domestic customers but also create our own export sales channel successfully .
1 Web Programming with Aspx and php 2 Embedded system & Driver programming on Android phone 3 Android/IOS Pad Driver Development 4 TCP/IP application and related protocol stack design.  5 Apps design on Android /IOS mobile devices. 
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