共為你找到:11筆screw 相關企業資訊
專業代理各科手術器械 / 動物手術器械 專業外科醫師的最佳選擇 專業進口德國、英國、美國、日本等國高品質器械,品項最齊全 骨螺絲 / 骨板 / 皮膚縫合釘 / 器械保養液 / 醫用耗材 專業供應商 BONE SCREW & BONE PLATE / INSTRUMENTS SYSTEM
1987 Cooperated the Gasket Injection fitting Mold with PARACON of Austria. 1988 Set up the CAD/CAM/CAE system for Design. Cooperated the Window Frame Extrusion Die with Acture of Austria. 1994 Implemented the 3D solid parameter CAD/CAM system PRO-E,I-DEAS. 1997 Promoted the mold and extrusive facilitis to the Market with a turn key service. Settled the Agent(Chau-Zur Technology co.,Ltd) with Sale Business. 2001 IC packing and testing parts and IC packaging mold were developed successfully. 2002 TFT-LCD’S LGP molds were developed successfully. 2003 Traverse Guide were developed successfully. 2004 Separate from Jan Chern Enterprise Co., LTD. Engaged in spin parts and extrusion/injection molds. 2005 In the first half year, rollers were developed which is used in LCD cell panel and polarizer. 2005 In the second half, developed vacuum pads and owned a number of patents. 2006 Improved some equipments such as tapeness facilities in the second half year. 2007 Into the manufacturing of screw and barrel and selling extruder machines. 2008 Imported the equipment of plastic crushing and reduction, as an agent of Zerma Machinery Recycling Technology (Germany). 2009 Imported the equipment of rubber tire crushing and reduction from Zerma.
本公司簡介如下所示: 本公司經營鋼索五金的領域已有四十多年之久,辦公室位於高雄鹽埕區河濱里七鄰公園二路103之2號,小港區(台糖路13號)擁有佔地廣闊的工廠,設備齊全、價格公道,並提供客戶完善的服務。 貴公司如果有需要本公司服務之處,敬請來電傳真詢問報價,能夠為您服務是本公司的榮幸! 以下為本公司基本資料:  綮新企業有限公司  公司電話:07-5330191-3 公司傳真:07-5211607  公司地址:80343高雄市鹽埕區河濱里七鄰公園二路103-2號  公司電郵:[email protected]  公司網址:http://www.yun-he.com.tw/  營業項目:鍍鋅鋼索、不鍍鋅鋼索、FC麻心鋼索、IWRC鋼心鋼索、不銹鋼鋼索、預力鋼絞線、高耐索、電纜拉網、SPELTER SOCKETS、WIRE ROPE CLI鋼索夾、WIRE ROPE THIMBLE毛眼、SHACKLE卸克、HOIST HOOKS吊鈎、SWIVELS轉圜吊鈎、TURNBUCKLES伸縮螺絲(伸縮器)、CHAIN SLING CONFIGURATIONS鋼鏈吊鉤、CARGO BLOCKS滑車、SNATCH BLOCKS開口滑車、CARGO HOOKS貨鉤、DERRICK FITTINGS桅桿D型卸克、RIGGING SCREW 儀裝伸縮器、FAIRLEADS導引繩輪、EYE PLATES多用途固定環、貨櫃配件、STACKING CONE船錨、船錨轉環配件、CLAMP鋼板吊具、WEBBING SLINGS尼龍吊帶、HERC ALLOY 800 80級合金鋼鏈、手搖式吊車、NYLON尼龍繩、POLYPROPYLENE PP繩、MANILA馬尼拉繩、三股繩索、四股繩索、八股繩索、特殊破緊、鐵弗龍破緊、特殊高溫破緊、吊車配件、船用品司多供應、吊橋施工、吊橋材料供應、鋼索加工、鋼索鋁合金壓頭、五金用具。
Pencom’s “Manufactured globally, supplied locally” philosophy provides customers with low cost global manufacturing, while still offering localized inventory and technical support. Founded in 1982 by William A. Gardiner, Pencom has been awarded preferred supplier status by many of the worlds largest OEM’s and contract manufacturers. The company employs more than 400 people globally and has approximately 145,000 square feet of manufacturing space at its various locations. ISO certified, Pencom is committed to supplying our customers with quality parts on time. This philosophy transverses the entire Pencom staff from senior management to shipping. Full-service capabilities in design, engineering and manufacturing, with an innovative ability to supply low-tech components with a high-tech inventory system, sets Pencom apart from its competition. The company offers precision machining, turning, milling, screw machining and stamping for prototypes and high volume production. These processes are used to manufacture captive screws, inserts, latches, spacers, self-clinching nuts and other mechanical hardware, including ejectors and handles. It also produces electro-mechanical components, such as switches and connectors, and thermal management components, such as custom heat sinks, heat pipes and ducting. With an eye towards the future, Pencom’s “Visible Inventory” System, provides customers with the opportunity to view their inventory in “real time,” eliminating the use of manual counting or bar coding.
傑鵬公司為一專業醫療產品銷售公司,專營: 脊椎人工植入物- Screw System / Cage System Vessel-X 人工骨等... 骨科,神外,麻醉科,開刀房- 設備.耗材.器械. 器械- 開刀房特殊器械製作.研發.訂製.複製.修理等 歡迎各醫院 醫工洽詢. 工廠具備: (線切割,車削,銑床,放電加工,拋光,打磨,雷雕,熱處理,陽極處理.等技術設備)...
公司成立於民國97年,新廠房、先進機器設備及工作團隊,工作環境優。 專業製造:螺絲沖頭模 (SCREW SECOND PUNCH),採用進口特殊鋼料,從設計、開模、成型、 熱處理、精密加工、檢驗.包裝等自主完整生產。 產品依照國際標準ANSI、JIS、DIN、ISO、BS、GB等規範。
(SKF集團)總部設立於瑞典哥特堡,是軸承科技與製造的領導者。Sven Wingquist在1905年發明了雙列自動對心滾珠軸承,隨即於1907年創立Svenska Kullargerfabriken瑞典滾珠軸承製造公司,簡稱SKF,目前擁有200家分公司、80家製造廠、41,000位員工和8,000家代理商和經銷商。SKF於2007年4月併購國際直線,成為SKF旗下Actuation Motion Control的一員。Actuation Motion Control從事線性滑軌及線性傳動系統之生產。本公司擁有優秀的經營團隊,秉持著『專業團隊、創新研發、成果分享』的經營理念,除具優異的競爭力外,更追求企業永續經營及成長;除整體營運穩定外,業務成長及獲利狀況也逐年提昇,名列國內績優廠商之一。我們重視每一位同仁,除提供良好工作環境,也具備學習及成長的空間,歡迎有工作熱忱及追求自我提升/規劃與抱負的優秀朋友一起加入國際直線科技股份有限公司的工作行列一齊成長與分享。 We are leading manufacturer and supplier of self-lubricant Linear Motion and Ball Screw in Taiwan. Through the years, we have gained the reputation as one of premier manufacturer in the worldwide. Our professional products and patent designs have gained the symbol of being the creative and most professional company by the Award of Creative Innovation Prize, the Rising Star Award、National Business Start-up Award and Taiwan Symbol of Excellence Winner in 2002. With 20 years experiences in linear motion manufacturing, ABBA Linear Tech is well known by his brand name ABBA in the worldwide. We have built the global channels, including Mainland China (Shanghai Branch), Italy, Germany, England, France, USA, Korea, Canada, Australia and Brazil…etc. If you need any further information or comments, please feel free to contact us. Actuation Motion Control located at Tu-Cheng Industrial Park Sin-dian City, Taipei County. Customer service is not just words to us, but a commitment the is the foundation of our company
向揚工業自1976年創立,初以代理進口德國BAUER高壓設備而與國營事業中國石油探勘部關係合作,負責高壓空氣壓縮機銷售與維護,而後參與軍方採購,提供軍事用途高壓裝備。在累積多年空壓機經驗後,於1984年設立工廠,引進螺旋式技術,創設自有品牌DYNA打開國內低壓空壓機市場,漸漸取代傳統往復式空壓機,歷經20多年不斷創新改革,自行研發模組化組裝技術,進口多項主要零件,開發各部其餘零件,DYNA品牌於今將成果以專業及成熟的技術將完整系列產品展現,積極拓展外銷市場,除在中國大陸及東南亞各地成立分公司,更進一步自行開發螺旋式空壓機零件模組,成功打入歐洲市場,並連年獲得經濟部螺旋式壓縮機外銷實績第一名殊榮,為國內唯一專業生產螺旋式空壓機(Screw Compressor)廠商,工廠生產管理已全面自動化、現代化,品質管理更勝ISO9001 : 2000,產品符合歐美多項安規,通過多項國家實驗室認可,品質安全可靠,維修保養合理,值得您100%信賴。
薪資面議意者請攜帶履歷表親洽{敝司上班時間8:0 0~12:00.13:30~5:30},隔週休二日,
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